The 5 Ingredients of Irresistible Headlines

Next time you write a headline, see how many of these you can incorporate. Self-interest – This is the obvious benefit that keeps the reader on the page, reading what you have to say. For example, “Revealed at Last – 13 Perfectly Legal Ways to Make Money in Your Pajamas” Believability – Placing some kind … Read more

3 Simple Tricks to Boost Sales & Income

If you have the same offer with the same amount of traffic but you double conversions, then you’ve just doubled your sales and profits, too. Here are 3 methods to do just that. 1: What’s in a Name? Everything You pour your heart and soul into a blogpost, article – even an entire book – … Read more

15 Tips for Increase the Size of Your Sales

Why sell $10 of stuff when you can sell $20? Or to put it another way… if you normally sell $5,000 of products a month, and you increase that amount by just 20%, you’re selling an extra $12,000 of products per year. Here are some tips to make it happen painlessly and nearly effortlessly: 1: … Read more

Offer Upgrades to Your Loyal Customers

How many people sitting in coach on an airplane wish they were in first class? Odds are, most if not all of them. First class flyers get fancy lounges in the airport, preferential boarding, comfortable and roomy seats, their own special first class flight attendants, real food and drinks, blankets, pillows… just about whatever they … Read more

6 Forgotten Tips for More Sales

None of these take much time, but any one of them can add significant sales to your bottom line. Or try all six, and see your sales explode. Your Prospects Are Afraid… Provide your real contact information, including name, company name, snail mail address (physical is better than P.O.) and phone number. Why? Because your … Read more

Make Your Accounts Pay for Themselves

Take a look at your monthly subscriptions – software, autoresponders, membership sites – and then decide to make them pay for themselves. Sign up as an affiliate for each one, post a review for each on your website along with your affiliate link, and then add a resources link on your main page. No, you … Read more

5 Myths about Affiliate Marketing

Bad information keeps many people from making money online. People give a half-hearted effort to one form of marketing, get disappointed that it didn’t work, and then cry out to the world that it no longer works… How many times have you seen one of these headlines: “Email Marketing Is Dead!” “SEO No Longer Works … Read more

Is Your Sales Pitch Believable?

I received a marketing email telling me how GREAT a new video making product is, because it works in conjunction with a piece of software almost everyone already has. Cool! So I go to check it out, and guess what? They NEVER show you what the videos you’ll be making will look like. Not ONE … Read more

The 7 Secret Principles of Hypnotic Writing

Well over a decade ago I bought and devoured an expensive course called “Hypnotic Writing” from Joe Vitale. If I remember correctly, it cost $1,000 and arrived in a heavy box with tons of CD’s and two thick manuals. And it was perhaps one of the best investments I ever made in learning not just … Read more

Get More Clients with Free Consultations

If you’re an experienced online marketer, you may never have considered working with brick and mortar type businesses, but after reading this you might rethink your position. First, it’s great money. Second, it’s great money FAST. Third, you don’t actually need to do any of the work yourself, since you can outsource everything. The hard … Read more

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